Wednesday 1 August 2012


Create a Fake and Harmless virus!

Do you want to play a trick to your friends?So try this shocking but harmless virus.Read it to find how to execute it.Friends this is not harmful it is just a fake virus.So here is the steps to make a fake virus:

1.First of all open Note Pad that is look like this
2.Now enter following text in your blank Note Pad file:

  • @echo off
  • echo hahahaha im hacking ur computer
  • shutdown -s -f -t 60 -c "type a message you want to appear here"

3.Now click on File on menu,then Save As
4.Now it's time to give a name to your file.
5.Now change option  Save as type: Text Documents (*.txt) to Save as type: All files

6.And save your file with any name but take (.bat) extension.So that your virus commands can work.
7.And then click save button and you can save it anywhere on your computer.
8.Close Note Pad.It's all done but you can also change the ICON.

How to Change ICON of the file :
1.Right Click on the file.
2.Then select the last option "Properties".
3.And there you see a Tab named "Customize".
4.And here you see Change icon button select it and select any icon you want for your file.

Note:Author don't take any responsibility for any blame.